
Monday, April 16, 2012

Dear Iyana...

     I'm sorry I can't be there for you sometimes, and I'm sorry I am not always there for you. 
I may be taking this too far, like maybe your saying, "Ugh, I should have never said anything." But I'm so glad you did.
    What I want you to know is, I wasn't laughing. v-v It may have looked like I did, but when I heard that, I just thought,"What the...?" and I just stared at Krystyn. And when I went over to you, I was just trying to make you feel better, but that was just me being my stupid self and being immature I guess. -.- But, I'm sorry for making you feel that way because actually, I like... Look up to you in a way. I care about you, and how you feel. When you walked away from us, I was this close to coming after you, but right when you left Jeannette put her arm around me, "Wanna go eat?" and Aileen + Eric, "Wanna go eat?" It took every bit of me not to say, "How can you just sit there, without giving a care in the world about what just happened?!" T-T
     I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone... And another part of me decided you just wanted to be alone, since you say that often. I'm sorry I couldn't comfort you in your time of need, or when your alone, and I'm sorry for that.

    Even though you might say, "You didn't do anything." I felt like I crushed you. v_v

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